The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has recently issued its draft plan and budget for 2013/2014. It is consulting on its strategic priorities and funding to pursue its mission of promoting high quality corporate governance and reporting to foster investment.
The draft plan identifies six priority projects to deliver more effective regulation, better corporate reporting, better audit quality and value, effective actuarial oversight and better links to the economic and market context. More information about these projects can be found in Section One of the draft plan.
The draft plan describes the significant challenges facing accounting, audit, corporate governance and the actuarial profession in the UK over the coming year and sets out the FRC response. That response requires more resources. To fund its activities next year the FRC will require an average 8.5% increase in the levy rates. The additional funding will strengthen our ability to respond to international demands, to scrutinise emerging issues and to conduct research into the economic and business environment in which we operate.
Commenting on the draft plan and budget, Chief Executive of the FRC Stephen Haddrill said,
“FRC reform has produced a more effective and streamlined organisation, able to deliver more for its stakeholders. This plan sets out what the FRC wants to achieve and the resources it needs to do it: more effective regulation, a stronger voice in Europe and internationally, along with good value for money for levy payers.”
The consultation will close on 28 March 2013.
5th floor, Aldwych House
71-91 Aldwych
London WC2B 4HN
t: +44 (0)20 7492 2300
f: +44 (0)20 7492 2301
e: enquiries@frc.org.uk