From Financial Reporting
Since 2004 the ASB has been working on a new set of principles aimed at balancing the needs of preparers and users of accounts by simplifying current standards into a concise, coherent and updated form. The overall objective of the ASB is to enable users of accounts receive financial reporting information that is of high quality, readily understandable and proportionate to the size and complexity of the entity and user information needs. Earlier this year the ASB has published proposals setting out its view of the future of financial reporting in the UK and Ireland. The proposals will apply to entities that are not listed and do not qualify as small companies. The new proposals are contained within the following Exposure Drafts:
The following paragraphs outline the key elements of the proposals however readers are urged to visit the ASB website to review the documents in detail and become familiar with the proposed changes in detail. The key points of FRED 46 are detailed below:
The key points of FRED 47 are detailed below:
The key points of FRED 48 are detailed below:
The proposed effective date of the revised proposals is 1 January 2015 but early adoption will be permitted. Changes to Earlier Proposals The ASB proposals are a change from its proposals in October 2010 on the proposed implementation of IFRS for SMEs. The proposed three tier system and extension of public accountability has been removed while Companies Acts account formats and a number of accounting treatments have been reinstated under current proposals. Some of the key changes from earlier proposals are:
Comparison with Current Irish GAAP The table below presents the key changes from current GAAP to FRS 102.
The key advantages to adopting the proposals of FRS 102 will be the similarities to existing GAAP for users, a compact and concise standard and the ability to look at other GAAPs where there is no solution. Users are asked to bear in mind that the new proposals will not be accepted in a listing document.
The European Commission is currently revising the Accounting Directives applicable in EU member states. In December 2011 the European Commission issued a proposed Directive to simplify the accounting treatments for small companies. A micro entity is an entity that does not exceed two of the following three criteria:
Micro entities will be exempt from preparing full accounts and instead will prepare an abridged balance sheet and profit and loss account starting from gross profit. There will be no need for a director’s report and there will be reduced disclosure in the notes to the accounts. Public interest entities and entities trading on a regulated market will be not be allowed to apply the guidance for micro entities. The Committee vote is tabled to take place on 10 July 2012 with Parliament voting on 12 September 2012 on the proposals. If passed successfully each member state will be responsible for enacting the revised proposals in local legislation. Conclusion The face of financial reporting will change from what we are currently used to over the coming 18 months. The finalisation of FRS 102 will be key for what currently are medium and large entities not applying IFRS. For small entities the decision will be to apply the new proposals or to adopt FRSSE. The new EC Directive will assist in reducing the reporting burden on mico entities.
Garret Wynne T: 059 9183888 © Copyright 2005 by |